TM, Mama Cheryl (MC), Mama Penni (MP) and Papa Ron (PR) love and care for me.
In memory of DC Dora, CH Angus HXAsd, DC Kearney. Lost from our lives way too soon.

Saturday, October 25, 2014

Strange Saturday

Lowri - Today has been kind of strange.  TM slept in until very late.  PR got up and fed us.  I LOVE PR.  When TM got up, she did a bunch of chores.  We got to pick the peas, feed the rabbits, gather the eggs, give corn to the goats, sheep and cows...well, not really, but we did get to hang out while TM did all that.  TM also brought the smoked pork shoulder in from the smoker.  It smelled HEAVENLY!

When she got done with her chores, we all got our toenails ripped off.  Okay, so not ripped off, just filed down.  I still don't like it!  Kevin got a bath and got groomed!  That was really weird.  He generally only gets groomed at dog shows.

Kevin - I'm going to a dog show with TM, and you have to stay home!

Lowri - You HAVE to go to a dog show, and I GET to stay home and torment Aiden.  PR promised me he was going to let me out to run and run.

Anyway, TM took a couple of pictures of me this afternoon.  For some reason, she has started to whimper every time she looks at my belly.  I will be five weeks along tomorrow!

TM said "Bunny".  I don't see any bunnies!

Kevin - TM took a picture of me too.  I am on the bed in the motel.  Life is rough.
Catching some Z's


  1. SOOOO VERY glad you are back blogging. You were missed. Mick (Oregon)

    1. Thank you, Mick! I will try to make TM record my thoughts daily. She can be stubborn sometimes. Love, Lowri
