TM, Mama Cheryl (MC), Mama Penni (MP) and Papa Ron (PR) love and care for me.
In memory of DC Dora, CH Angus HXAsd, DC Kearney. Lost from our lives way too soon.

Friday, May 11, 2012

Back at PR's Place

Kearney - We got back to PR's place tonight.  TM noticed that the ewe that she thought was imminent on lambing, was thinner.  She went "uh oh".  We parked and TM went out into the field.  Sure enough, there was a dead lamb.  It was a big ram lamb.   TM doesn't know why it died, but the ewe was pretty young.  I got to help sort that ewe out of the lamb field and back in with the big mamas.  TM didn't want to feed her grain when she needed to dry up her milk.  It was sad to see the poor lamb.  There is one more I can't eat.

Lowri - TM found her camera.  It was in the van back by our crates.  I could have helped her find it, but she has been losing a lot of stuff lately.  I have been finding her gloves everywhere.  I think she needs to be more responsible about her things.

Anyway, the camera with the cool pictures is here, but the plug in for the computer is at the other house.  So no new pictures tonight.

Now on a far more serious matter.  TM FORGOT our food!  How could she do that???  What am I going to eat?  I am pitiful.  I might starve! 

Kearney - Good grief, Lowri.  TM ALWAYS has a contingency plan.  I happen to know that TM is thawing some of our food right now.  We'll be fine.

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