TM, Mama Cheryl (MC), Mama Penni (MP) and Papa Ron (PR) love and care for me.
In memory of DC Dora, CH Angus HXAsd, DC Kearney. Lost from our lives way too soon.

Thursday, September 26, 2013

Five and a Half Weeks Along

Lowri - Oh me, I have three and a half more weeks to go!

Watermelon, I didn't see a watermelon!

I think I might be pregnant!

My normal svelte self.


  1. I think maybe you ate some pumpkin seeds from the garden? Yup, you're gonna get BIG!

  2. Lowri, Sweetie, we really appreciate you going through this so we might have some little Lowris. You will have the cutest baybeez!

  3. I bet your puppy list is a mile long!

    1. Miss Taryn, right now we don't have much of a puppy list. Depending on quality and sexes, we pretty much have the top five spoken for. One for MC, one for MP, one for TM, one for Miss Kathy (TM's sister) - that is two boys and two girls - and one other potentially spoken for. No one here is too worried about not having a long list. Love, Lowri
