TM, Mama Cheryl (MC), Mama Penni (MP) and Papa Ron (PR) love and care for me.
In memory of DC Dora, CH Angus HXAsd, DC Kearney. Lost from our lives way too soon.

Monday, April 25, 2011

Herding Intermediate at Nationals

Kearney - Mama Penni uploaded a video she took of my Intermediate run on sheep at the Nationals.  I won 1st place with this run!  While TM didn't say awesome, she was happy with me.  If you look closely at the end (just before MP started batting at a bee and the camera goes crazy), you will see TM trying to position me to hold the sheep off the gate.  I wouldn't come in to where she wanted me because the tarps behind us were making lots of noise and were flapping around.  I had to keep my eye on them!

Lowri - Kearney may have won his class, but My Daddy was High Scoring Champion - BOTH days!  My daddy ROCKS!

I learned a new trick this weekend.  When TM wasn't watching me, I climbed the stairs with Aidan.  TM was a little short of breath when she saw what I did.  I am sure it is a good trick!


  1. I'm really sorry about the bee, Kear -- and the resulting tumultuous finish to your run. It was a good run until the big canvas things began flapping. I thought they were going to take off.

    Lowri, sweetie, that staircase is open and pretty high. I suspect TM is just trying to protect you from yourself.

  2. MP, it wasn't your fault that the dumb bee came to visit. I was just s'plainin' why the camera jumped. Love, Kearney

  3. Good job Kearney! You looked pretty awesome!

    Lowri, please don't give The Mama a heart attack. That would not be good!

  4. Wow, great video. Lovely outrun, lift and fetch. Too bad lost 'em before the Y--but wonderful recovery and nice calm movement to the pen. Really nice crossdrive until the sheep got through the gate and took off--BAAAD sheepies. Another lovely recovery by Kearney (Susan, he HAD to go tell off that sheep--it was a BAAAD sheep!). Loved the camera work at the end !
