TM, Mama Cheryl (MC), Mama Penni (MP) and Papa Ron (PR) love and care for me.
In memory of DC Dora, CH Angus HXAsd, DC Kearney. Lost from our lives way too soon.

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

I'm Official too!

Lowri - LOOKIE!  I'm official too!  I have a point!  When do the letters start appearing?  Do I get letters for this?  It says Number of Points   1.  I am sooo excited!!!  I'm going to get letters, I'm going to get letters!

Mockingbird Elyan Magic Moment - DN29684802

  Conformation - Awards Processed Through 20-JUN-2011
Number of Points 1
Number Major Wins 0
Number Major Judges 0
Total Number Judges 1
TM cut the sheep out of this picture so all y'all could see just my movement.  She thinks I look like a German Shepherd in full stride.  She loves this picture.  Thanks MC for giving it to her! 


  1. Lowri, you were certainly showing everyone how it is done. When you can move like that, it's easy to keep up with your sheep.
    Love, MP

  2. Soon, Lowri. You'll get letters SOON! Just a few more points, a couple majors, and BOOM, letters!

  3. Or a few trips up and down a field with the sheep -- and you'll have letters.

  4. Dear Lowri, You are an awesome girl. I have no doubt that there will be many, many letters added to your name in the years to come. :)
