TM, Mama Cheryl (MC), Mama Penni (MP) and Papa Ron (PR) love and care for me.
In memory of DC Dora, CH Angus HXAsd, DC Kearney. Lost from our lives way too soon.

Saturday, July 23, 2011

July Saturday and a Bad Puppy

Lowri - It is hot.  We didn't do much today.  We played outside the garden while TM picked the green beans and the peas.  We went with her back home when she had to go back for a few hours.  She let us stay in the cool house while she ran errands and killed weeds.  Then we went back to PR's place.   I got locked in the xpen with my Daddy while TM gave PR a massage.  I ate the rug again.  TM was very mad at me!  I got locked in my crate while she canned the green beans.  What a boring day!

Kearney - It wasn't too bad.  I got to move the lambs.  TM had me bring them out of their field so they could graze for a couple of hours.  When she was getting ready to start canning the beans, we went down to bring the lambs back to their field for the night.  TM sent me way out around them.  I went up the hill and around behind them.  They quickly decided to go with TM.  It was fun and TM was happy with me.

Chase - I am with Lowri.  It was a pretty boring day.


  1. Lowri, I don't understand why my Mom gets mad when chew on the doors and trim in her bathroom. It's wood! Wood tastes good! Plus, an excellent source of dietary fiber. Anyhow, I hope you're out of jail now. Love, Nicky

  2. Lowri and Nicky - My mom gets mad at me when I eat the 40 plus year old dog wood in the back yard, vinyl flooring and picture frames. I heard her tell her son Jeremy who is now 24 years old that I was as bad as he was as a toddler. :) Ginger

  3. Chase, control your daughter.
