TM, Mama Cheryl (MC), Mama Penni (MP) and Papa Ron (PR) love and care for me.
In memory of DC Dora, CH Angus HXAsd, DC Kearney. Lost from our lives way too soon.

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Best Evening EVER

Lowri - I just spent the best evening I have ever had.  I was on TM's lap, on my back, while she rubbed my tummy.  I stayed on her lap for a couple of hours.  Sometimes she stroked my head and neck, but mostly, it was my belly.  I was feelin' the LOVE.   It was the B E S T  E V E N I N G  E V E R!


  1. Awww, that's great, Lowri! I bet you felt so special!

  2. I've just discovered the beauty of lap sitting too! I'm not sure why I didn't know how wonderful it was.... Now I have to fight with the two old cats and Poppy for space in Mama's lap. Sometimes Dad's lap is good, but Mama's is the BEST!

    Luv, Smooch

    1. Miss Smooch, I think sometimes we have to gain a little maturity to properly appreciate a lap. PR's lap is good too, but then you have to put up with Aidan pawing your head, so it isn't very restful. TM's lap is just about perfect! Love, Lowri
