TM, Mama Cheryl (MC), Mama Penni (MP) and Papa Ron (PR) love and care for me.
In memory of DC Dora, CH Angus HXAsd, DC Kearney. Lost from our lives way too soon.

Monday, September 3, 2012

Even MORE Letters!

Lowri - I had the very best time yesterday at the trials!  First, I got to chase ducks around the B course.  TM was pretty horrified when I pounced on one.  IT WAS FLAPPING IT'S WINGS!  Of course I pounced!  I was pushing them so fast, they got to the free-standing pen before TM did <giggle>  What a HOOT!  TM even used "Bad Dog".  I didn't care.  I had a great time!

TM then moved me up to Intermediate A course ducks.  She thought about just pulling my entry because I was so bad.  Then she decided to use it as a training opportunity.  I behaved somewhat and even qualified.

In Started Sheep, I was just a little too wild.  I non-qualified, but I had a really, really good time doing it.  Even though I non-qualified, TM was generally pleased with my work.  She said I covered the stock really well.

It is so confusing.  When I qualified, she called me a bad dog and was horrified with my work.  When I didn't qualify, she came off the field pretty pleased with my work.  What is up with that?

Anyway, I am now GCH CH Mockingbird Elyan Magic Moment, HSAd HSBd - pending AKC verification.  I have LETTERS!


  1. Good job, Lowri. Do you realize that you have more letters now than your first name?

    1. Wow! That is cool! But, Aunt Kathy, I have a long, long way to go to catch my Daddy! Love, Lowri

  2. Lowri, you're becoming a little rock star!

    1. Thank you, Miss Emily! I will have to work on my act :)

  3. Daddy Chase is very proud of you. You will have to learn "steady" and "easy" and "walk up". Those require you to slow down and are really not fun at all, but TM insists.

    1. Mama Penni, TM is making a point of my stopping when she quietly says "stop". I also have to stop if I try to hurry on a walk-up. SO NOT FUN! But, I do get my stock if I listen. Love, Lowri
