TM, Mama Cheryl (MC), Mama Penni (MP) and Papa Ron (PR) love and care for me.
In memory of DC Dora, CH Angus HXAsd, DC Kearney. Lost from our lives way too soon.

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Very Good AGAIN!

I really do have ears!  TM doesn't know where they went.
Lowri - I have been an angel all day long - well, at least as much as TM knows ;)   I got to go out and practice herding for the weekend again.  TM said I did a very good job.  She is happy with what I have done lately when I have been herding.  Tonight she took the camera out and tried to be photographer and handler.  That is really hard to do.  Especially since I like to bounce <G>

In the first picture, I am just running because I am happy to be alive.  We haven't gotten the ducks out or anything.

Practicing the freestanding hold.
Moving them along.


  1. Brains and beauty (even without ears).

  2. Okay, Speedy -- I'm looking forward to weekend results. Nola and Chase will be herding as well -- just not at a trial. So we'll all be thinking good thoughts for you.

  3. Whiskey- I love to run like that too! But I really only get to when I visit my grandma. My parents are in a thing called "college." They have to do things called "homework" so they can afford for me to have my very own yard to run in.
    P.S. You looked beautiful in your show!
