TM, Mama Cheryl (MC), Mama Penni (MP) and Papa Ron (PR) love and care for me.
In memory of DC Dora, CH Angus HXAsd, DC Kearney. Lost from our lives way too soon.

Tuesday, December 4, 2012


Lowri - TM got up early this morning and took me for a walk.  There were squirrels everywhere!  I dragged TM up and down the street.  Some of the time, she ran with me.  I got to go fast as long as I trotted.  It was great!  I was totally worn out by the time we got home.  I had the BEST time.  Man, I have been dreaming about chasing squirrels all day.  I wonder if they taste like bunnies? 

Whoa - I almost heard Kearney saying "LOWRI!" when I thought that about eating squirrels.  He had no problem with the idea, he just tried to keep things less...hmmm, less revolting?...for our readers.  I am sure he is chasing all sorts of critters up in Heaven.  He was a good big brother. 

Fortunately for me, I don't dwell on this stuff.   TM and MC think I am A.D.D.  "Attention Deficit Disorder/ADHD - You often have difficulty staying focused and attending to daily, mundane tasks. For example, you may be easily distracted by irrelevant sights and sounds, quickly bounce from one activity to another, or become bored quickly."     Yup, that is me!  I think it runs in my family too - NOT that I am naming names or anything! 


  1. Careful what you say, grasshopper!

    1. But, Mama Penni, it says "quickly bounce from one activity to another or become bored quickly"...If that doesn't describe me - and unnamed others in my family - I don't know what does! You know that if we do it right the first time, we are pretty much over doing it again. And besides, I said it with LOVE...Love, Lowri

  2. At my house we call it ADOS, Attention Deficit OH SQUIRRELL!

    1. I LIKE it. I'm not ADD, I am ADOS. Thank you! Love, Lowri
