TM, Mama Cheryl (MC), Mama Penni (MP) and Papa Ron (PR) love and care for me.
In memory of DC Dora, CH Angus HXAsd, DC Kearney. Lost from our lives way too soon.

Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Extra Food - Update

Lowri - I am pretty sure the book said that TM was supposed to up my food immediately upon breeding me.  She hasn't done so.  Tonight I pointed it out to her AGAIN.  She said I wouldn't be getting extra rations until I was six weeks pregnant.  That HAS to be WRONG!  I just know I should be getting more food now.  Can anyone refer me to a good book so I can prove to TM that she is starving me...I mean my babies?

Update - I told TM I was HUNGRY.  She didn't listen, so I am determined to provide for my babies the old-fashioned way!  I went out into the yard and caught a bunny.  It was a full-grown rabbit - and I did NOT need anyone else to help me catch it!  I am the GREAT HUNTRESS!  Unfortunately, TM figured it out before I got to eat it all.  (sigh) Another rabbit STOLEN from me...

TM here - Lest anyone thinks my yard is in the wilderness, I am in town with chain-link fencing around the entire yard.  I don't know where these rabbits are coming from.  You would think they would pass the word that the Great Huntress lives here!


  1. Stoopid wabbits! (Good job, Lowri! Dinah is in AWE!)

  2. Bunnies hop with impunity in my yard. I think each dog expects another dog to catch it and share. No happening. You're good Lowri -- we could use your help here.

    1. MP, I will visit as soon as I can! Love, Lowri

  3. At least you're getting some good meat out of the deal. Rufus and Nick just like all the little bunny treats they leave in the yard. *gack*

    1. "Smart Pills" are the next best thing to the actual bunny. I am with Rufus and Nicky on this one. Love, Lowri

  4. There's a reason for the expression "dumb bunny"....The rabbits in my area are stupid enough to nest under our deck. The babies don't stand a chance!
